Visibility: Seeing and Being Seen

Curated by Delita Martin

Minna Resnick

About the Artist

Minna Resnick lives in Ithaca, NY. She shows both nationally and internationally and has work in over 60 public and private collections and more than 40 university and municipal collections.  

Her work is represented in the permanent collections of the Brooklyn Museum, NY; the Denver Art Museum, CO; the New York Public Library; the Newark Museum, NJ; the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, CA, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England, among others. 

Resnick was the recipient of the prestigious National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship as well as a dozen other funded grants. In 2007 and 2009, she organized an international printmaking exhibition and related symposium in China. From 2016–2020, she was a visiting artist for five weeks in the Printmedia and Drawing Department at Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. 


Minna Resnick
Portrait of artist, Minna Resnick

Social media: @minnaresnick



Visibility: Seeing and Being Seen

Artist Statement

In my five-decade career as an artist, my work has always addressed issues confronting women. My initial subject of personal introspection and engagement through body language slowly evolved into concerns about women’s reactions and accommodations to their cultural environment, expanding years later to the visual meaning of language, which changes with each generation. My mother experienced the Great Depression and World War 2. Her role as wife/mother was to stay at home and bring up the kids. I matured in the heyday of the sixties with a strong women’s movement. Our daughter, now 48, has essentially two full time jobs, an executive VP at a major corporation and being a parent.

Inter-generational differences are about communication, which is dependent on historical and cultural contexts. Words and images common to one generation may be unknown to another. My work examines the changing nature of women’s experiences over the course of time and aging, to comment on themes of expectation and reality, the ideal and the everyday, feeling invisible or asserting themselves into the conversation. It is this personal and internal debate which continues to occur when women confront themselves and their role in society. 

A drawing of a woman leans into the foreground over a background of watercolor botanicals.

Mixed media drawing
10.75″ x 16″ image on 15.5″ x 20.75″ paper
(drawing over digital background)

A seated woman is covered by a chartreuse filigreed pattern. An orange sheet blows off her face and a pair of blue hands gesticulate in the foreground.

Let Go
Mixed media drawing
29.5″ x 22.5″
(drawing over photo-collagraph background)

Two panels featuring three generations of women in patterned dresses sitting over a ground that mimics disintegrating plaster.

Nurturing the Future
Mixed media drawing
each panel: 23.25″ x 16.25″ image on 30″ x 22.5″ paper
(drawing over digital background)

A purple female figure in a gown stands in front of a lace pattern in magenta over a yellow and red ground.

Take Control
Mixed media drawing
30” x 22.25”
(drawing over gumprint background)

A figure sits backwards in a chair with hands over her face. In the background a photo of a woman interacts with the seated figure so that the eyes of the woman in the background are superimposed over the hands of the seated figure.

Rewrite Your Story
Mixed media drawing
16.5″ x 12.75″ image on 22.75″ x 18.5″ paper
(drawing over digital background)

A figure with two sets of arms gesticulates to the sky and the earth. Her gown is composed of feathers in red and green. Two biomorphic forms in green flanks the figure. Beneath, a volcano smokes, transitioning into the figure.

Mixed media drawing
29.625″ x 22.25″
(drawing over photocollagraph)

A dense composition with a seated woman in the foreground looking out at the viewer. Behind, a reverse silhouette of a woman creates a window to see a nude kneeling woman with her back to the audience.

Think Carefully
Mixed media drawing
17.375″ x 17.375″ image on 22.5” x 22.5” paper
(drawing over digital background)

A medieval inspired decorative motif with composite creatures creates an implied shape of a woman in a dress, with her folded arms and face emerging above and legs emerging below.

I Am
Mixed media drawing
30″ X 22.375″
(drawing over photocollagraph)

A woman in aviator sunglasses leans over a mid-century illustration styled postcard of a city and a convertible.

Trouble Ahead
Mixed media drawing
10.75” x 16” image on 15.625” x 20.75” paper
(drawing over photocollagraph)

Young girls drawn in red pencil are lined up in gym clothes. A line drawing of an older cityscape is composed primarily in the negative space of the uniforms.

mixed media drawing
16.125” X 24.125” image on 22.25” X 30” paper
(drawing over digital background)