Curated Exhibition with Sharon Jue:
Letterpress saves my soul daily
About the Artist
Jennifer Graves is a letterpress printer, book artist, and instructor based in Los Angeles, California.
Jennifer holds a Masters in Library Science from the University of North Texas and BS
in Elementary Education from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Since taking her first letterpress class in 2010, she has spent years growing, refining her own skills and learning from others. Her prints and collaborative artist book have been exhibited across the US and most recently in London. In the summer, Jennifer teaches an Introduction to Letterpress course through Extension at Otis College of Art and Design.
Artist Statement
My work considers two factors. Design where color and space come together to bring harmony and balance. I choose to primarily work with vintage wood and metal type for their strength and ability to tell story. The boundaries of the type help me to avoid overthinking and get right into printing and also allows me to push those same boundaries in new ways. The message addresses life and social issues through a lens of love and hope. I believe whatever is being printed must serve a purpose for the greater good, no matter how big or small. The pieces then can evoke a determination or feeling of encouragement, hope, inspiration, togetherness, and connection to our community.


Love postcards

Love is a Verb

Love of Music Posters


I Am My Brother's Keeper

The Time is Now