Curated by Zeinab Saab and Olivia Richardson

Amos Paul Kennedy Jr.

About the Artist

I will die.

Artist Statement

I will give an artist statement when authors are required to give a drawing for each of their works.


Artist Aaron Coleman




Amos Paul Kennedy Jr.
Kill Your Landlord, by Aaron Coleman. A mixed media assemblage made from commercial fencing, salvaged tarps and siding, and gym parachutes.

Rosa Parks

Aaron Coleman's, The Pieta, composed of an American flag made from painted picket fence slats. A pan-African flag hangs from the blue gound and drapes over the lower red stripe slats.

African Proverb

Aaron Coleman's Delicate and Filled with Dynamite, a handmade boat constructed from salvaged basketball court flooring is stranded on a sandbags filled with rubber mulch from turf football fields.


Specializing in Hope, by Aaron Coleman. A mixed media assemblage made from commercial fencing, salvaged tarps and siding, and gym parachutes.

Proceed and Be Bold

Get Right with God, by Aaron Coleman. A mixed media assemblage made from commercial fencing, salvaged tarps and siding, and gym parachutes.

Murdered Children

Sentinel, The Lookout; by Aaron Coleman. A mixed media assemblage evoking Ghanaian masks, made from fencing, fake turf, and salvaged wood from a neighbor's home lost to gentrification.
